Posts in Fitness
It Is Not The Mountain That We Conquer, But Ourselves

He was exhausted, actually, we all were. It was coming up to sunrise but from memory we still had another hour until we reached the summit. So, he sat down, and then one by one we all did too. Light hadn't even touched the valley yet, but we had already been hiking for about five hours. The world had barely woken up when we reached the summit.

I still remember taking Neel's photo like it was yesterday. He didn't really sit, more like plonked himself down. His face was worn with exhaustion when he faced me and smiled. Then he turned his head towards the sunrise. He didn't really want to give up, he just wanted to watch the sunrise.

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Happiness Is A Place Between Too Much And Too Little

I watched the fingers uncurl on my left hand as I counted how many months I’ve been back in New Zealand. Five, I’ve been back five months. Each time I click on my Facebook memories, there’s a photo or a post that reminds me of a year of travel, adventures, friendships...and of course, life. A year of embracing adventure that not only filled my hard drive with gigabytes worth of memories, but also taught me that seeking adventure is as much about our relationship with ourselves as it is to embrace what happens to us externally.

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Be Brave Enough To Suck At Something New

As we get older, trying new things or being adventurous doesn’t come as naturally as when you were a kid. We reach a stage in our lives where we like to think we somewhat have it together, and that could be why we’re more likely to shy away at doing things we haven’t tried before. There’s a higher chance we’d suck at it, which means you have to check your ego at the door and that isn’t always easy.

I’m what you call a generalist - I have a lot of accumulated skills, though not really an expert at anything. I’m that friend who likes to give things a go and have a long list of eclectic hobbies and curiosities. Sometimes I envy people who pursue one or two things and know everything about them inside out. That’s never been me.

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The Shorty's Guide To Surviving The Gym

Whenever I do my washing, the clothesline tells people that I’m always ready to dress for a funeral as long as it’s on casual Friday. It’s not like I have an aversion to colour, but my recent wardrobe choices seems to paint me in a deep shade of gothic. Two years ago, I started going to the gym because I couldn’t sleep past 5am, and it seemed like a logical use of my time. There’s a 24 hour gym ten minutes drive from my house, so while Whakatane slept, I was shaking my jiggle in the middle. 

Are you someone who signed up for the gym then went MIA? Here’s what I have learned about gym life...and how you can stay motivated and and actually use that membership.

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