Posts in Friendships

Looking through my old photo albums - some even had the developed film in the back pocket of the cover. Reminiscing at photos of my 16-year-old self: From high school photos, a school trip to France, to my Asian travels as an adult - a snapshot of life full of adventure. Like the time I was captain of the girls first XI cricket team (we only had one team by the way). Old friends from high school. The school ball I wore a twenty dollar dress and looked like a thirty year old. Ashes of my adolescence, memories I think of fondly.

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Road Trip Adventures In The Coromandel

Google maps said the trip should have taken about 4.5 hours to get to Hahei, but due to the torrential downpour and stops we made exploring random roadside attractions, it felt more like I spent a whole day driving. My friend Jemma did well to stay awake considering she drove from Fielding the night before - she climbed on the top bunk bed just before 2am. I made sure my usual 5am alarm on my phone, not that I needed it these days.

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Why It's Good To Walk Your Journey With Others

Even though it was her decision to start that journey - it would be naive to think that it wouldn’t directly affect those closest to her. She understood this, yet I guess we never fully know the effects until we are in that moment, amidst the joy, the tears, the isolation and if what we seek is even at the finish line. Surviving wasn’t just about asking for help - she had to be strong enough to ask for it. To withstand the pain from the wear and tear of flesh and bone meant she had to prepare herself both physically and mentally. She said that during the race she always had to stay a step ahead mentally as pre-race injuries continually plagued her. This wasn’t just getting out of her comfort zone, she may as well have moved to Mars!

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The Photo That Almost Didn't Happen

“Just trust me,” that’s what my friend John said as I gave him that look. The background was the face of a woman in mustard yellow and pale pink lips. He framed the shot then showed it to me. Damn, the face that stared back at me was such a bad-ass. That was our joke for the rest of the day.

She was bold and confident, and the best part was that she was me.

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# 66 The Cultural Divide

What I have to remember in all this is to keep living my truth. Taking on other people’s expectations of me, that’s a heavy burden to carry and impossible to live up to. I don’t want to live the rest of my days scared of disappointing people, because let’s face it, it’s going to happen anyway. When we label others, how we see them is biased while that person is in that bubble.

Peel away the labels and let go of the judgement. Take away the regrets but keep the lessons. Yeah, I think that’s a good place to start.

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